Very recently I’ve been having a lot of direct ET contact
and guidance during sleeping state. This contact has been confirmed with definitive calling cards being
left or given to me upon awakening. For example; my favourite piece of moldavite being moved from my hand, and strategically
placed above my head, which I spotted immediately upon awakening, and understood it to be a sign and confirmation of
direct contact. It was simply too obvious and too perfectly positioned to be
anything else. It was exactly how I use it in a moldavite grid, and I noticed it instantly.
A few weeks ago I was drawn to watching an FASIRIUS video on YouTube: ‘Pleiadians Beamships and Contact Dish Project’, which also somehow led me
to a couple of videos from Shekina Rose on the ‘Blue Ray Starseeds’. These I watched last thing before sleeping. The following morning I had the distinct image of three Kachinas and the word ‘Kachinas’
given to me as soon as I woke up. I recognised the name and what they were, but had forgotten all
about them (as it has been many years since I read The Hopi Survival Kit) and so I started searching Google straight away...
This of course led me straight to the Hopi
Indians. (It also confirmed my recent oracle cards: working with the number 3 and communication with the Spirit Realms.) It led me to the Hopi prophecies
and the Hopi Blue Star Prophecy, and of course back to the Pleiadians who were
guiding the Hopi. It led me to Sirius, which led me back as always
to Isis.
My search continued… again checking out Imhotep (my links to Imhotep and Isis/Osiris were discovered last summer and are chronicled on my website: Divine Union) which led me to Ptah, and this instantly struck a chord and had me thinking again about the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light, and the Pleiadian Archangelic Tribes and their specific colour rays. So I go straight to Amorah Quan Yin’s ‘Pleiadian Workbook’ to verify what I was thinking... that Ptah was of the blue ray Pleiadian Archangelic Tribe, which is correct according to Amorah.
My search continued… again checking out Imhotep (my links to Imhotep and Isis/Osiris were discovered last summer and are chronicled on my website: Divine Union) which led me to Ptah, and this instantly struck a chord and had me thinking again about the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light, and the Pleiadian Archangelic Tribes and their specific colour rays. So I go straight to Amorah Quan Yin’s ‘Pleiadian Workbook’ to verify what I was thinking... that Ptah was of the blue ray Pleiadian Archangelic Tribe, which is correct according to Amorah.
The Blue
Ray Pleiadian Archangelic Tribe are ‘the protectors and preservers of the
eternal nature of life’. This resonates directly with my Kundalini Yoga
spiritual name of Sada Nam, and also ties
back to my love of Krishna and Vishnu ‘The
Preserver’. I also had an encounter one evening in my bedroom, soon after
my spiritual reawakening began in 2002, with a small electric blue Being of
Light that took on humanoid form, but was only around 3ft tall. (see Family of Light)
I also feel a strong connection to Ra, and have done for a long time, through
Thoth and Sekhmet, and more recently through Isis/Osiris and Imhotep. According
to Amorah’s information the Pleiadian Archangelic Tribe of the Golden Yellow
Ray are known as Ra, and they are ‘the keepers of divine wisdom’. So
then I start thinking... how all of this began the previous evening with watching those videos on the
Pleiadians, Billy Meier, Semjase, Ptah and the Blue Ray Starseeds. Is this
confirmation that I have links to the Blue Ray Pleiadian Archangelic Tribe? And
how does any of this link me to the Golden Yellow Ray of Ra?
And whilst I am pondering these connections a
certain image pops into my mind…
It is the yellow and blue symbol of the Cosmic
Central Sun. My search which began and ended with the Pleiadians had led me full
circle, not only to the Pleiadian Archangelic Tribes but also back to the
Cosmic Central Race, and this is exactly what the Pleiadians keep leading me
to, ever since last December... When I had a profound vision of entering the Cosmic Central Sun and returning here with many, many Beings of Light.
May the Light of Cosmic Central Sun shine brightly upon you, vibrate within you, and guide you swiftly Home.
Love Sada Nam
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