This oracle reading is for the energy of the collective consciousness for the lunar eclipse (04:29 UTC) and full moon (04:44 UTC) on Sunday the 5th July.
As this full moon lunar eclipse in Capricorn, will align with the sun conjunct asteroid Vesta (Priestess of Isis/Sacred Flame of the Goddess) which is also conjunct Sirius (Star of Isis/Blue Star Kachina) the cards seem very relevant indeed. According to the latest blog post on Galactic Shaman Astrology ‘Each year our sun aligns with Sirius July 5-7… and this year it receives a lunar eclipse in a pointed arrow... the moon will also make a T-square geometry of Juno, the Sacred marriage in Libra, opposing Chiron the Wound in Aries for the full light of awareness’.

This reading indicates an opportunity to overcome challenges and obstacles. We are being offered an initiation and portal, to heal the core wounds of the Divine Masculine, Osiris. We are already rising to this challenge. We shall start to feel and see ourselves, and humanity, moving forwards and reaping the rewards of having integrated more of the Receptive Principle: the overflowing compassion and wisdom of the Great Goddess. To continue healing and nurturing ourselves, shifting our perspectives, and opening ourselves up to receive the abundance of love and grace just waiting to be accepted.
Overseeing this reading are the cards of The Sphinx, Elephant and Osiris. The possibility for healing the deep wounds of the Divine Masculine is now presenting itself, and although we may face challenges, we can and will overcome them. The Divine Feminine is fully present and seeking to heal the Divine Masculine now, and ultimately, as she does so she will heal the Earth, manifest Sacred Union, and give birth to Horus, Christ Consciousness, creating Heaven on Earth.
Osiris represents the Divine Masculine within all of us, as well as our relationships with our fathers, brothers, sons, partners and husbands. This card states that this is a perfect time for healing those relationships now, as well as healing the inherent scars and burdens that these men are carrying for the collective. To release any old wounds connected to men and the masculine energy in general. To let go of toxins such as anger, blame and guilt, and to balance our inner masculine and feminine energies by giving and receiving on a daily basis. As we heal our feelings towards men, seek to heal their wounds and our own inner masculine presence, our current and future relationships (with others and ourselves) will improve and become more balanced through forgiveness, compassion and greater understanding.

The Sphinx appears in Greek mythology as the monster – a woman’s head and breasts, dog’s body, lion’s paws, wings of an eagle, and the tail of a serpent – who questioned Oedipus. To the ancient Egyptians she symbolically represented the Nile and its seasons. She was also a manifestation of Hathor, Goddess of birth and death. The Sphinx of Egypt was built as guardian of the horizons, the rising and setting sun. It held the keys to the wisdom gates. In the path to deep knowing, initiates had to confront the challenges that the Sphinx posed. The card in this spread is asking us - how can we meet a challenge and prosper in all the aspects of our being? How can we use the energy of challenge to nurture ourselves? The Sphinx says the only way to wholeness on our path is to meet our challenges face-to-face. (The Goddess Oracle by Amy Sophia Marashinsky).
The Elephant Animal Totem in this deck represents resolve and overcoming obstacles. Elephant has a protective and maternal energy, and is motivated by a strong sense of family. We are being encouraged to let nothing stop us from fulfilling our hearts desire. To dispel any and all resistance until we reach our destination and accomplish our goals. We need to be the mightiest of warriors, and see ourselves as triumphant in our quest. We have an important mission and there is no point in dilly-dallying around and getting caught up in distractions to avoid our destiny. We must not yield to temptations that entice us from our path. We must live our lives according to the drive and desire of our inner spirit. It is especially important right now to not only speak our truth, but to live it, and also by the way, to have some fun while we’re at it.

The next four cards are all reversed but point to moving forwards in very positive ways. This is a time of regaining wholeness and clarity. We will find that we have more time to prioritise ourselves, we may have set and be maintaining solid boundaries, and by having a more relaxed attitude through this increased feeling of time, we can bring our lives into greater focus and fulfilment. Our energies are finally coming together and we are able to direct our intentions into more joyous and rewarding outcomes. This is a time of great promise, where we are able to put all the pieces together, and the picture of life will reveal a future so bright, it will make us smile.
The Archangels Michael and Gabriel are bringing us their magnificent power and strength. Although we’ve been experiencing a situation in which we’ve been feeling a loss of power, now is the time to turn this around. This is a time of major shifts. Release any feelings of insecurity now. We need to believe in ourselves and take action on our own behalf. Archangel Michael will infuse us with the strength we need to rise. Archangel Gabriel is here to help us change and enhance our communication skills, both inner and outer. To engage in positive self-talk and use optimistic and self-honouring language. It is time to make self-loving language a reality. He can also empower us to speak up to others, and express ourselves in a non-confrontational manner. Michael brings us courage, and Gabriel brings us the words, so get ready. It’s time to speak your truth, and allow Divine Truth to be communicated through you.
Although we may have become frustrated with delays and cancellations, we need to remember and recall all that we have achieved to this point. We may be looking back at our lives and wishing we had done things differently in the past. We may not feel quite ready to make the changes and start considering the steps we need to take, but the time of inner achievement is calling us now. We must choose self-honouring thoughts and behaviours. Create joy and optimism, celebrate our eternal truth, and know that we all hold the power within us to create and reach a better destination.
The situation that has been keeping us stuck and feeling trapped is starting to shift. It is time to rejoice this release! Both the situation itself will free us, and we will also finally find the power to free ourselves. This is a dynamic time. There may be a big upheaval with some major details to work out. We must make sure we keep releasing any doubts that arise. Approach the necessary changes joyously and with confidence and optimism in our hearts. The outer circumstances release their hold when we choose to honour our own happiness and intentions. The sun has risen in our lives, drying the mud that kept us bound, and allowing us to walk away in any direction that we choose.
Cards: Fragmented Energy. Angels of the Four Directions. Milestone. Stuck Energy. (All reversed.)

The Portal card is here to tell us that doors are opening for us now. Our thoughts are extra powerful at this time. Planets are aligning. The timing is right. The Universe is saying YES! We have the Midas touch. Our hard work is being rewarded. This is a time where we can reap the rewards for efforts made in the past. It’s also a time when we can achieve a lot. Great leaps can be made. Extreme transformation can occur. Great distances can be travelled in a short space of time. We are swimming with the cosmic current of life and effortless change is possible. We must use this moment in time wisely and keep our focus. Be conscious and clear with our emotions and thinking. What experience would you like to have? What do you want to create? What new adventure would you like to manifest? This card is a sign and portal into a new reality. Now is the time to make big changes. We are extremely well supported right now. We must use this energy and jump right on in to the portal that is now presenting itself.

She of the Cruach, the Great Goddess and many named mother of all, is indicating a necessary time of nurturing and development. We need to allow her grace and compassion to flow through us to others in the form of unconditional love and giving and spiritual healing. We also need to make the best use of what we are offered through unconditional receiving. She is the yin energy of the universe, fertile and receptive. She holds all of our sorrows and joys. Her Cruach is the miraculous chalice, the womb of birth, the cauldron of re-birth, the chalice of healing. Within her we take form, grow, achieve fulfilment, and let go of that form to move on to the next phase of our being. All of the universe, each individual particle, every being, is cherished by her.
The Oak Men represent strength and ancient wisdom. They teach us through the mirror of projection. What we need to know and learn cannot be discovered by a superficial glance and a hasty reaction. We need to look slowly and deeply into the heart of the matter. Learn from the past. Consider motivations in depth. Connect to the wisdom of the elders and find inner-peace. Can we look at things as they are, or can we only see our own projections? The universe is full of wisdom, compassion and strength, but it doesn’t always come in pretty packages. If we continue to project our fears and insecurities onto others and the world in general, we will fail to connect to the wisdom that is available to us, and perceive the inherent divinity, pattern, order and nature of all things. As this card is reversed the Oak Men are asking us to use our intuition and perceptiveness to gain a sense of the bigger picture, and true reality of the situation at this time. Connect to the trees and their strength, peace and wisdom, we may just learn something new and expand our vision by doing so.

The Singer of Healing has the power to heal deep wounds of the spirit – wounds that can destroy mortals and immortals alike. Faith betrayed, love dishonoured, trust abandoned. If we are prepared to forgive and let go, through the song of healing, we may be restored and renewed. Returning to love and compassion. Healing is offered here, not forced, and requires active participation on our part. True healing must take place on all levels at once - body, mind, and spirit. All intrinsically linked, all one piece, and we cannot expect to change one without changing the others. The links between different aspects of being are often obscure and complex, and yet, the principle of healing them is simplicity itself. We need to only let go of the things that are hurting us and nurture ourselves with the things that benefit us. So simple, yet so difficult for many of us.
The song of healing is everywhere and without limit. Healing can seem so complex as we dig our way through our blocks and resistances and old wounds, but in the end it is simply a process of letting go and opening up. This card speaks of healing to be given as well as received. The circumstances and processes of reaching well-being may seem easy or they may bring great challenges. In either case we are being asked to participate in our own healing as we are strengthened by the presence of this Singer (Angel).
Healing is something that flows through us, not from us, and as such whether we are giving or receiving, we are inevitably affected by its passage. This powerful source of transformation is always available to us, but is requesting our conscious participation right now. We must address our core wounds and heal them. We can free ourselves through forgiveness, releasing the pain and shadows that have a hold over us, and offer them up to Spirit for transmutation. Create more space to embody the eternal love that envelops us, radiate the power of this love, and light up our world by embracing its presence.

A tiny blossom of joy is shouting at us for acceptance! The trinity of existence is now aligning with us through the power of Divine Love within the Coral Gateway of Illumination. The Coral Key of Alignment contains the awareness that these three aspects are coming together with a shared sense of purpose. The trinity may refer to many different levels of being such as mind, body and spirit. Past, present and future. Divine Feminine, Divine Masculine and Christ Consciousness. Or even through the powers of vision, planning and manifestation. This merging offers the promise of fulfilment as we unlock any resistance to expressing our inner most desires.
Alignment symbolises a period of powerful evolution within our intimate relationships. It is time to resolve any issues that surround a reluctance to receive through the intimate gift of acceptance. This may involve exploring your relationship with yourself, with others, with the planet, with Spirit, or with all of them at once. The promise of rapid growth and subsequent expansion is assured. In order to fully appreciate the gifts of this period of evolution we are being cautioned not to remain rigid – physically, mentally or spiritually. Allow ourselves to throw caution to the wind and become flexible and responsive to the situations that arise. In this way we be allowing the strength of our inner love and compassion to guide us. We must also practice the discernment that we are famous for.
Desire is a strong part of the equation. What is it the we truly desire to experience within the relationships of our lives? What makes us shout for joy? What aspects of our lives would instantly expand if we voiced our acceptance of the presence of bliss? Are we travelling forward guided by overwhelming sensations of happiness, or are we tempted to put up barriers and wait until the call to awaken has past?
Now is a good time to work with groups and to let go of any decisions to remain self-reliant that we may be holding on to. Practice remaining centred around the fluctuations of others, and do not forget to applaud our own achievements. The pains we have suffered in the past can no longer limit us; allow these expectations of reality to fall away as we create a new and happier world for ourselves.
The presence of Alignment affirms that we are supported in the expression of our innate vitality and awareness; as we grow in self-acceptance we will automatically step forward into a more fulfilling existence. Dancing is a wonderful way to become intimate to the needs for personal expression that exist within the energetic flows of our bodies. Practice embracing the messages of these desires through the gift of spontaneity. The Coral Key of Alignment brings with it the promise of freedom as we activate, with love, our inner wisdom and allow it to illuminate the playful beauty of our physical experiences. The universe is seeking to support our development as we whirl forward held in an embrace of encouragement and bliss.
The Faery cards in this reading along with the Alignment card are affirming the process that started 4 weeks ago, during the first lunar eclipse at the beginning of June. Surrendering to a Higher Consciousness. Embracing Divine Wisdom. Expansion and healing through the power of Divine Love. Astrologically this was always going to be a challenging and profound period of time, but as the cards suggest we are literally rising to the occasion. With the assistance of Goddess, God and Spirit, we absolutely can transform ourselves and the society in which we live. We are already doing so, as we are empowered to step through the portal into the unknown beyond, and reap the rewards we so richly deserve.
According to
Astrology King 'The July 5 lunar eclipse combines with the June 20 solar eclipse to form an eclipse phase that lasts until November 30, 2020.'
If you haven't already done so, you may want to view my reading for solstice and the recent
solar eclipse here.
And the guided audios in many languages can be located here:
With love, as always, Sada Nam 🌹