'It was the best of the times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way...'
A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens.
Right now we are amidst an immense global healing crisis, both within and without. There are huge demonstrations against institutional corruption in countries all across the globe. These occurrences will more than likely increase and intensify, as both awareness and kundalini are being activated by the Central Sun. Hopefully the demonstrations will remain peaceful and bring us closer to global freedom, however the dark forces often infiltrate and pervert these outcries for positive change, into violence for their own advantages. So be aware... and focus on peace.
As many including Cobra have said, the entropy within our matrix society will only increase, until the pressure is released and cleared at the moment of compression breakthrough. All remaining fear based programs and corrupt institutions will collapse. The increasingly high vibrational cosmic waves leading up to the Event, will trigger more and more people to either wake up from their make believe world, or to freak out and project their anger and frustration onto others. So be aware... and don't take things personally.
Liberation of this planet involves complete eradication of the dark forces. Those that will not and choose not to surrender to the Light, will be taken to the Central Sun and recycled. They will forcibly be returned into Light once again. Their originality will be gone and transformed into pure potential energy, against their own will. Hence the real reason they are dragging things out for as long as they can, is because ultimately the very thing they fear the most, non-existence, is the very thing they are creating for themselves. They are manifesting precisely what they fear the most.
Think about that for a moment. As this is exactly the same process we must all take internally as well. What we choose to hold onto, refuse to acknowledge and heal, will not only delay our own spiritual progress, but will ultimately have to be dealt with and cleared in a much more intense and forceful manner when the Event finally occurs. Do you want to create what you fear the most, in your last days of being in this experience? Or do you want to let go, surrender, and expedite your liberation?
Do you want to experience heaven or devise your own hell?
No matter how hard we try, we cannot manifest our dreams of unconditional love and peace on earth without fully healing ourselves. If some of us truly want to lead the way and increase Bubbles of Heaven and manifest Islands of Light, we must allow love and compassion to be the overriding force that sustains and drives us. That means we must let go of our past hurts, and there will be many of them to release. If we blame ourselves, or resent another person, for making choices from a state of fear or ignorance, we are blocking the compassionate wisdom of our hearts to guide us.
In the past, due to our experiences in this foreign environment, it may have felt safer to close our heart centres, as a means of protecting ourselves from pain. But the opposite is true. The only way home is by keeping our hearts open. The supreme compassionate force of the cosmos is still seeking reunion with the dark forces, even after all the suffering they have caused, but return to Her they will. Either through their own choosing or by being dragged kicking and screaming.
We all have that same choice to make; we can willingly surrender to the healing process, and release our toxic wounds; feelings of anger, blame and guilt, or fight against the inevitable and deny ourselves true love and peace. The increasing influx of Light is bringing all darkness to the surface to be transmuted. Any resistance to this process will only prolong and exacerbate frustration, pain and sadness.
The Faeries call it Metaphorical Open Heart Surgery. We must learn to love unconditionally, warts and all. We do not have to agree with another person's choices, but we can still honour and accept their free will, so long as they are not deliberately inflicting pain upon others. If we choose to willingly increase our own Light connection, anchor Goddess and embody more of our True Self, we must be aware that forgiveness and compassion will be the quickest path to finding joy and freedom once again. We must lead the way with our hearts wide open.
Forgiving ourselves can be tough. We may make decisions and create experiences that we did not really want. Making mistakes is painful, we cannot go back and change the past. We can only change in the present moment. Acknowledge that we may have been naive or misguided, or whatever it was that resulted in creating pain in our life, and from that place of acknowledgment, release any feelings of guilt, and generate some compassion and forgiveness for ourselves.
It is a process of taking responsibility and developing our inner strength. Of having the courage to apologise, recognising our vulnerability and admitting our mistakes to ourselves. Not fooling ourselves into blaming another, denying our true feelings and lying to ourselves over and over again. This only propels our false beliefs, and causes intense outbursts of negative emotions when our reality or other people highlight these denials back to us.
Forgiving family, friends and strangers comes from a deep place within our hearts and minds that recognises that the other person is you. We all originate from Source. We are all aspects of The One. We are all in this mess together, and the very reason we have struggled and experienced so much pain is that we know on some level, consciously or not, that life is not meant to be this way. We may feel abandoned and lost here.
War, poverty and disease are not the natural order of the cosmos.
Harmony, Joy, Abundance and Peace are.
Harmony, Joy, Abundance and Peace are.
We are not of this world. We may have contributed to fuelling the false matrix prison, but we did not create the matrix itself. Many of us came here to transmute it and tear it down. Some of us may be warriors, but we are all innocence personified. Even the dark ones original fall from grace, occurred through their innocence and naivity. It's no wonder we feel pain and desperation at times. This reality is not who we are. It has been designed to enslave us. Turning our creativity against us through manipulative means.
We are pure Beings of Light. We are Creators.
The more we focus on our own Light, and expand our capacity to Love.
The quicker the matrix prison will collapse.
We live in a false reality of separation, which feels very real, and causes inherited negative traits and projections of victimhood, apathy, judgement, frustration, and rage. We've all been exploited or abused in some form or another; sexually, physically, psychologically. The matrix generates these experiences. It wants us to be slaves to its programming. It is not something we need to learn and grow from, it is not karma.
The thing we need to be aware of, is the recognition that life was not supposed to be so difficult and divisive. The matrix is simply a means of control through fear and lack consciousness. So we must acknowledge our own issues in this regard, and transmute them, in order for us to create the abundance and peace we deserve and all long for. Ignoring the darkness won't make it go away.
The thing we need to be aware of, is the recognition that life was not supposed to be so difficult and divisive. The matrix is simply a means of control through fear and lack consciousness. So we must acknowledge our own issues in this regard, and transmute them, in order for us to create the abundance and peace we deserve and all long for. Ignoring the darkness won't make it go away.
There will be times when we are feeling under pressure, and not at our best, but so long as we are aware of that, and choose our own means of clearing and transmuting it, then we are not feeding the negativity. We can only try our best in each given moment, day by day, to generate peace. We must always acknowledge our own feelings and what caused them to surface. If it's uncomfortable we surrender it to the Light. We let it go. We forgive. We generate compassion and keep our heart centres open. We heal ourselves with love.
We may need to keep clearing the same painful experiences over and over again, but we persevere, we do what needs to be done, and it will get easier. It is the only way to free ourselves from the programme. Choose to release all that doesn't serve you, in the now, when it arises for healing, before all darkness and control mechanisms are forcibly removed forever. It will be a huge shock to the system to be reset from darkness to Light all at once.
Source is trying to uplift us in a timely manner.
Fully in rhythm with the harmony of the cosmos.
Healing is going to happen regardless. Everything must return to the Light. If you voluntarily surrender to this process and develop more compassion for yourself and others, you are taking the path of least resistance. You are only going to improve your reality. Cry if you need to, but surrender and let go. Feeling the pain is ok, holding onto it only creates more suffering.
Use any means necessary to assist you with this process. Call in your Higher Self, Spirit Guides, Divine Mother and Father, the Angelics, your Star Family. They all wish to assist you if you let them. Walk in nature, practice pranayama or yoga, meditate, spend quality time with your loved ones, be creative, dance and sing, exercise, whatever works for you to help you release trauma, sadness and negativity. If you feel you can't release things on your own, find someone who can help you. Someone who will uplift you, resonates with you, and empowers you. Someone who will facilitate you to 'know thyself' and release what you are not.
Healing yourself before the Event, will not only and crucially enable more Light to be anchored on the surface of the planet, but when the Galactic Wave of Love washes upon our shores, it will also be much more of an ecstatic and heavenly experience for you. You will have allowed space for more Light to enter. More space for Love. More space to embody your True Self and reunion with Goddess.
We can generate more Love and Joy in our lives.
We can lead from the Heart, be Compassionate, Patient and Wise.
We have the power to manifest Freedom and Peace on Earth.
It is the very reason why we are here!
Goddess is returning.
We are Her conduits.
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