Saturday, 4 April 2020


The gift of manifestation is knocking at your door. Four resonates with the energy of structure and form; encouraging and inspiring you to create a secure foundation for manifestation.

You are being stimulated to explore your relationship with established ways of being, to look inside of yourself, and to create a practical and personal definition for progression. One that is based on self-awareness and commitment. 

It is important to make the best use you can of the time that is available to you. Be aware of how your conscious interaction with this fourth level of reality shifts as you move towards the centre of your journey of realisation.

Four promises the manifestation of the structure of your etheric visions within the physical plane. Therefore you need to focus your awareness on the physical aspect of creating your dreams. 

The preparation of a secure foundation may challenge your existing perceptions of reality. Be conscious of your inner focus, and the Cosmic support you are now receiving, as you act on the need to manifest your soul purpose in the material world.

Activate the Magic of your Soul Purpose:
  • Stellar guidance is activating strong connections of remembering, offering the full vision of understanding your soul purpose. Define your vision. Complement your inner wisdom with the strength of your connection to the infinite guidance of the mystical dimension of the Angelics. Respond to the vibrational pulses of your inner knowing.  (Indigo Gateway)

Passionate Manifestation:
  • Dedication to your plan of action is required. The key to physical security and strength lies within you. Face your issues of survival and use this period as an opportunity to practice commitment to your chosen way forward. This is a point of personal definition and an expression of your inner power. Do not be afraid to act. Nurture and care for your physical body.  (Red Gateway)

The Ocean of Universal Consciousness:
  • Practice acting with integrity as you create the magical foundations for the truth of your communication. Be co-creative in the expression of your dream. Open up to higher awareness by seeing yourself as an expanding point of Light, maintain this awareness as your subtle energies engage with your partners in creativity. Detach from fixed ideas of how your creativity is to be received. (Turquoise Gateway)

Self-Existent Sun:
  • Base your choices on creating increased levels of self-esteem and the desire to be happy. Dissolve patterns of fear or beliefs of limitation. The gateway to fulfillment on the mental level is now open to you. Stimulation of the mind is necessary; use the power of positive affirmations to connect with this strength. Express clarity of understanding supported by the power of intention in your communications. You are embodying a new foundation for understanding as you act on the guidance of your personal wisdom.  (Yellow Gateway)

Expansion through the Wisdom of Love:
  • New foundations for inter-dependent relationships are being laid. Be careful not to create alliances based on old patterns of co-dependency. You are in a position to receive the wisdom of unconditional love and to build on it for a harmonious future. Rely on the guidance of  your inner wisdom. Focus on your own journey and allow others the freedom to rely on their own resources for manifestation. Love yourself enough to surrender any relationships that no longer support your growth.  (Coral Gateway)

Resurgence of The Goddess:
  • Urgent growth towards vibrant health and wholeness of form are taking place. You are integrating the ancient wisdom of your Goddess energy within the heartfelt direction of your pathway to manifestation. Act from a place of discernment. Listen to the co-operative guidance of your heart. Surrender to primordial intuition as you create a new structure for the expression of your intuitive connection to the journey of the planet. Welcome unexpected opportunities. Harmonious manifestation is expanding to embrace you.  (Olive Gateway)

These messages of guidance and the above image are from The Oracle of Illumination by Vicky and Philip Argyle.

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