Friday, 21 August 2020


I very recently had my own ECETI 'power up' type experience here in my back garden in the UK. I am staying somewhere in the countryside that has very little light pollution.

I was laying out on the grass around 10pm, connecting to Earth Mother, and looking straight up at the stars above me. Soon after lying down and tuning in, my vision had to re-adjust as a moving object just appeared out of nowhere. I thought oh it's just a satellite, and exactly as I thought this it powered up! (The light immediately expanded and brightened from what it was before and returned to afterwards. ECETI has many documentations of this phenomenon.) I chuckled away to myself as I couldn't believe it, but it was so obvious and really quite amusing.

ECETI image

I stayed out for another 15 minutes and in that short space of time I saw 2 more lights appear from exactly the same spot (separately) and move off very quickly in different directions. I thought I'll just wait for one more... and then another one appeared slightly over to the right of the previous ones, so I then called it a night and went indoors.

Here are some more amazing images taken very recently at ECETI Ranch, Trout Lake, WA, U.S.A: (I've put the link to the video at the end of this post and I also have another awesome image from Trout Lake here.)

This one fired a projectile!! (you can view it around 38 seconds into the video.)

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