Saturday, 26 October 2019

Increasing the Infrastructure of Light

On behalf of the Light Forces, RM and Earth Mother, I am seeking partners / investors to set up a Healing Centre and Temple of Light dedicated to Goddess.

Our intention is to increase the current infrastructure of Light on the surface of the planet before the Event, and be ready to receive and heal those who will desperately need our help.

I am willing to relocate to work with the right team. Anyone wanting to be involved with this project can contact me at:

We can quickly manifest a better future by working together and collaborating our skills.

Goddess wants Unity, and Unity it shall be.

Are You Ready For The CME?



Yes, Goddess is returning. Fully orchestrated by Source via the resonance of the Great Central Sun at the Heart of the Cosmos.

In one huge flash Her Galactic Wave of Love will wash upon our shore. The rhythmical pulse of Her Galactic Heartbeat will ignite our Sun and uplift all life on Earth.

From darkness to Light. We shall remember who we Truly are and experience full reunion with the Love of Goddess once again. Our Divine Birthright of Harmony, Freedom, Peace and Abundance will be restored.


For most of humanity this encounter with the solar flash and their own divinity will be a massive shock to the system. The awakened community need to be as prepared as they can be, ready to anchor as much Light on the surface as possible. To not only assist our sleepy brothers and sisters, but beloved Gaia as well.

So, how can you prepare your mind, body and spirit for the Ultimate Cosmic Event Experience? Here are my recommendations:

Meditate and quiten your mind. Be still and centre yourself.  Visualise and focus on peace and harmony as often as you can. Use guided meditations or your own practices. If you struggle with meditation try a kriya or use mantras to help you focus more easily.

Think Positive Thoughts and release negative behaviours and emotions. Keep clearing your energy and space using the White Fire of An and/or the Violet Flame. Mantras and affirmations will help you to be positive and elevate your energy and surroundings as well.

Listen to Music 432hz, solfeggio and other specific frequencies will help you to uplift and expand your energy. There is a wealth of high quality free spiritual music on YouTube. Turn off the television. Cut down your time spent on the internet, computers and your smart phone.

Use Crystals and Elixirs for protection, healing and energy work. Carry crystals with you and use grids at home. Take flower/vibrational essences internally and use sprays for your aura, home and workplace.

If you can, try a Tachyon Healing Chamber too.

Detox your body. Avoid alchohol, caffeine, sugar, wheat and fast/processed food. Check for candida (reduce carbohydrates and take soil based organisms). Drink lots of good quality water with fresh lemons.

 Try herbs and intermittent fasting to increase nutrient uptake and flush out toxins.

Eat Fresh and Raw vegetables, salads, nuts and seeds. Organic if you can, with lots of green leaves, garlic, ginger, celery and cucumber. Try juicing. Some low sugar fruit/berries is ok. Go vegan.

Bless your water and food with sacred geometry, mantras and positive tones. 

Breathe Deeply to keep centred and practice pranayama techniques. If you need to release tension practice yoga or do some exercise.

Connect to your Higher Self and Star Family through meditation, energy work or whichever techniques work best for you. Ask for more connection during sleep state. Stay aware of any messages that come to you. Intend to embody as much of your True Essence as you can. I AM that I AM.

Connect to the Central Sun. Balance the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine.

Allow Goddess to Flow freely through your heart centre. Share Her compassionate nature with all those around you. Nurture yourself with Her love. Embrace your sexuality and creativity. Tell someone you love them. Smile and say hello to strangers.

 Communicate with Earth Mother by spending time in nature and keeping yourself grounded. Talk to the trees, wild animals and Gaia herself. We are here for her. We are her children. She wants freedom, peace and joy just like we do. She can show us the way through her Song of Abundance.


Hopefully some of these recommendations will resonate with you. If you're not already prioritising your ascension and the upcoming solar flash, then dedicate time each day towards enabling Light to fully enter your Earth Being and honour your sacred physicality.

Will you choose to be ready to fully embrace Divine Mother once again? If so, the Event will quite simply be the biggest and best orgasm of your life!

Well worth a little extra effort now I'd say.

Love Sada Nam 💖


Thursday, 24 October 2019

Liberation is Love

'It was the best of the times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way...'

A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens.


Right now we are amidst an immense global healing crisis, both within and without. There are huge demonstrations against institutional corruption in countries all across the globe. These occurrences will more than likely increase and intensify, as both awareness and kundalini are being activated by the Central Sun. Hopefully the demonstrations will remain peaceful and bring us closer to global freedom, however the dark forces often infiltrate and pervert these outcries for positive change, into violence for their own advantages. So be aware... and focus on peace.

As many including Cobra have said, the entropy within our matrix society will only increase, until the pressure is released and cleared at the moment of compression breakthrough. All remaining fear based programs and corrupt institutions will collapse. The increasingly high vibrational cosmic waves leading up to the Event, will trigger more and more people to either wake up from their make believe world, or to freak out and project their anger and frustration onto others. So be aware... and don't take things personally.


Liberation of this planet involves complete eradication of the dark forces. Those that will not and choose not to surrender to the Light, will be taken to the Central Sun and recycled. They will forcibly be returned into Light once again. Their originality will be gone and transformed into pure potential energy, against their own will. Hence the real reason they are dragging things out for as long as they can, is because ultimately the very thing they fear the most, non-existence, is the very thing they are creating for themselves. They are manifesting precisely what they fear the most.

Think about that for a moment. As this is exactly the same process we must all take internally as well. What we choose to hold onto, refuse to acknowledge and heal, will not only delay our own spiritual progress, but will ultimately have to be dealt with and cleared in a much more intense and forceful manner when the Event finally occurs. Do you want to create what you fear the most, in your last days of being in this experience? Or do you want to let go, surrender, and expedite your liberation?

Do you want to experience heaven or devise your own hell?


No matter how hard we try, we cannot manifest our dreams of unconditional love and peace on earth without fully healing ourselves. If some of us truly want to lead the way and increase Bubbles of Heaven and manifest Islands of Light, we must allow love and compassion to be the overriding force that sustains and drives us. That means we must let go of our past hurts, and there will be many of them to release. If we blame ourselves, or resent another person, for making choices from a state of fear or ignorance, we are blocking the compassionate wisdom of our hearts to guide us.

In the past, due to our experiences in this foreign environment, it may have felt safer to close our heart centres, as a means of protecting ourselves from pain. But the opposite is true. The only way home is by keeping our hearts open. The supreme compassionate force of the cosmos is still seeking reunion with the dark forces, even after all the suffering they have caused, but return to Her they will. Either through their own choosing or by being dragged kicking and screaming.

We all have that same choice to make; we can willingly surrender to the healing process, and release our toxic wounds; feelings of anger, blame and guilt, or fight against the inevitable and deny ourselves true love and peace. The increasing influx of Light is bringing all darkness to the surface to be transmuted. Any resistance to this process will only prolong and exacerbate frustration, pain and sadness.


The Faeries call it Metaphorical Open Heart Surgery. We must learn to love unconditionally, warts and all. We do not have to agree with another person's choices, but we can still honour and accept their free will, so long as they are not deliberately inflicting pain upon others. If we choose to willingly increase our own Light connection, anchor Goddess and embody more of our True Self, we must be aware that forgiveness and compassion will be the quickest path to finding joy and freedom once again. We must lead the way with our hearts wide open.


Forgiving ourselves can be tough. We may make decisions and create experiences that we did not really want. Making mistakes is painful, we cannot go back and change the past. We can only change in the present moment. Acknowledge that we may have been naive or misguided, or whatever it was that resulted in creating pain in our life, and from that place of acknowledgment, release any feelings of guilt, and generate some compassion and forgiveness for ourselves.

It is a process of taking responsibility and developing our inner strength. Of having the courage to apologise, recognising our vulnerability and admitting our mistakes to ourselves. Not fooling ourselves into blaming another, denying our true feelings and lying to ourselves over and over again. This only propels our false beliefs, and causes intense outbursts of negative emotions when our reality or other people highlight these denials back to us.

Forgiving family, friends and strangers comes from a deep place within our hearts and minds that recognises that the other person is you. We all originate from Source. We are all aspects of The One. We are all in this mess together, and the very reason we have struggled and experienced so much pain is that we know on some level, consciously or not, that life is not meant to be this way. We may feel abandoned and lost here.

War, poverty and disease are not the natural order of the cosmos.
Harmony, Joy, Abundance and Peace are.


We are not of this world. We may have contributed to fuelling the false matrix prison, but we did not create the matrix itself. Many of us came here to transmute it and tear it down. Some of us may be warriors, but we are all innocence personified. Even the dark ones original fall from grace, occurred through their innocence and naivity. It's no wonder we feel pain and desperation at times. This reality is not who we are. It has been designed to enslave us. Turning our creativity against us through manipulative means.

We are pure Beings of Light. We are Creators.
The more we focus on our own Light, and expand our capacity to Love.
The quicker the matrix prison will collapse.

We live in a false reality of separation, which feels very real, and causes inherited negative traits and projections of victimhood, apathy, judgement, frustration, and rage. We've all been exploited or abused in some form or another; sexually, physically, psychologically. The matrix generates these experiences. It wants us to be slaves to its programming. It is not something we need to learn and grow from, it is not karma.

The thing we need to be aware of, is the recognition that life was not supposed to be so difficult and divisive. The matrix is simply a means of control through fear and lack consciousness. So we must acknowledge our own issues in this regard, and transmute them, in order for us to create the abundance and peace we deserve and all long for. Ignoring the darkness won't make it go away.


There will be times when we are feeling under pressure, and not at our best, but so long as we are aware of that, and choose our own means of clearing and transmuting it, then we are not feeding the negativity. We can only try our best in each given moment, day by day, to generate peace. We must always acknowledge our own feelings and what caused them to surface. If it's uncomfortable we surrender it to the Light. We let it go. We forgive. We generate compassion and keep our heart centres open. We heal ourselves with love.

We may need to keep clearing the same painful experiences over and over again, but we persevere, we do what needs to be done, and it will get easier. It is the only way to free ourselves from the programme. Choose to release all that doesn't serve you, in the now, when it arises for healing, before all darkness and control mechanisms are forcibly removed forever. It will be a huge shock to the system to be reset from darkness to Light all at once.

Source is trying to uplift us in a timely manner.
Fully in rhythm with the harmony of the cosmos.

Healing is going to happen regardless. Everything must return to the Light. If you voluntarily surrender to this process and develop more compassion for yourself and others, you are taking the path of least resistance. You are only going to improve your reality. Cry if you need to, but surrender and let go. Feeling the pain is ok, holding onto it only creates more suffering.


Use any means necessary to assist you with this process. Call in your Higher Self, Spirit Guides, Divine Mother and Father, the Angelics, your Star Family. They all wish to assist you if you let them. Walk in nature, practice pranayama or yoga, meditate, spend quality time with your loved ones, be creative, dance and sing, exercise, whatever works for you to help you release trauma, sadness and negativity. If you feel you can't release things on your own, find someone who can help you. Someone who will uplift you, resonates with you, and empowers you. Someone who will facilitate you to 'know thyself' and release what you are not.

Healing yourself before the Event, will not only and crucially enable more Light to be anchored on the surface of the planet, but when the Galactic Wave of Love washes upon our shores, it will also be much more of an ecstatic and heavenly experience for you. You will have allowed space for more Light to enter. More space for Love. More space to embody your True Self and reunion with Goddess.


We can generate more Love and Joy in our lives.
We can lead from the Heart, be Compassionate, Patient and Wise.
We have the power to manifest Freedom and Peace on Earth.

It is the very reason why we are here!

Goddess is returning.
We are Her conduits.


Tuesday, 22 October 2019

Dreams Leading To Wonderland

My first significant off planet dream, that I can consciously remember, occured in approximately 2003. Around a similar time as I encountered the electric blue Light Being (see Family of Light).

I had a very strong vision shown to me during sleep state: There were four of us standing by a large window in a mothership, looking down upon a colony of buildings which were being destroyed, attacked by other ships. I remember feeling very sad and solemn about this, but not scared in any way,  we were already in safety, the colony was empty, having already been evacuated. It was a very powerful memory and realisation that we were at war, and this was before I'd heard much about the dark forces (other than in Star Wars of course).

The people watching this scene with me were a close female soul sister, that I was friends with at that time, and two males whom I simply assumed to be our partners. I never really considered who those men were and the importance of them, but now I realise they were our twin souls.

A long period of not remembering my dreams occurred after this, and I often woke up feeling much more tired than before I had gone to sleep. I knew this was because of leaving my physical body and returning to the motherships at night, but it made the mornings oh so difficult, just like Groundhog Day in a way. 'Oh no I'm back here again', but, by the evening I would be back in a highly spiritual state again, talking with my guides and frequently having visions or receiving downloads... and then the following day it would start all over again.

I also chose not to remember my dreams as they could often be anxiety led; mostly about being chased or airplanes falling from the sky. However earlier this year my contact dreams became more vivid and prevalent. I needed to remember them.

In March, the night before I left for Cobra's Soul Family Conference in Budapest, I dreamt of seeing a fleet of motherships in the sky, followed closely behind by some positive military forces. I hid from them, but they were looking for me and found me. They wanted me to go public and be on television, but I refused. I'm pretty sure this wasn't the first time I'd been asked this, but the answer was always the same. I had always liked to hide in the closet, amidst imaginary safety.

The strange thing about this dream was that when they were seeking me out, and using a light to search for me, I actually felt the heat from this light on my arm, just as if it were real. Which it was. Physical contact had occurred.


At the time of this conference I had been having telepathic communication with the Pleiadians for quite a few months, which then intensified in December 2018, straight after I published my website. They had relayed messages about my twin soul last summer, then they wanted me to contact Cobra in the autumn, and then they wanted me to get myself to Budapest. The day before I left, as I sat down for lunch they said:

'No need to fear, Cobra is here.
No need to fear The Resistance are here!'

They didn't leave me alone until after I'd returned from the conference. As well as direct communication they had also used many song lyrics to convey messages, which frequently happened to me when I was much younger. I didn't mind, it was a good way to relay information, although I was not a fan of what I'd call crappy mainstream pop music, which they often chose. The last lyric I received as I left the conference was 'I believe in miracles'. I was happier about that one, it was a trendy rare groove number from back in the day. It was also very positive, but by this time I had had enough of being 'hacked'. It had been a stressful few months and I needed some quiet time once again.

It had all got a bit much, as huge life changes commenced as a result of the communications. Changes that I was not ready for, and that I'm still working on healing and letting go of. I still regret decisions that were made, but I was put in a tricky and precarious situation soon after my twin soul encounter in July 2018, so my Higher Self and the Pleiadians intervened... sacrifices were made to get me back on track.


In July I had a dream about the Hopi Blue Star Prophecy and contact with a mothership from Sirius, which I've written about in the above post on my blog. It was an early and significant sign that the Event is coming soon, and I've seen many more synchronicities about the Event since then, a crazy amount really. 

In early August I dreamt about seeing a mothership hiding in the clouds (Positive Signs). I noticed the distinct cloud formation it was creating and pointed this out to a friend. As soon as I did this, the ship decloaked right in front of us.

At the end of August I was taken to Wonderland, into the future. I was with a guide, in a beautiful location, and being sensitive to energy the feeling of the place was just astonishing. Blissfully filled with love, and absorbingly wonderful. The message they wanted me to remember and relay to you is that... 'The energy is so good here!'

The following evening I must have connected with the Pleiadians again, as a vivid image of a female Pleiadian was in my mind as I awoke, a sure sign.

In mid September I had a dream that I met up with my twin soul at a party in a hotel. He had gone there with someone else, but after we saw each other we ended up leaving together. We were then walking along a road at night, side by side, feeling incredibly happy to be together once again. A mothership openly passed us overhead, and I had a strong sensation that 'I knew this would happen with you'.

Logically these dreams seem to be following a linear timeline, both pre and post Event. They are leading us to the future, and what will occur following our liberation, when the war is finally over!

As we know the motherships are here all above us, and contact is already being made. Telepathic communication with both 'Upstairs' and 'Downstairs' will only increase from here on in. There are many signs that the Event is coming very soon. The most positive ascension timeline is unfolding right now. It is being unveiled. We are creating it, together.

After the compression breakthrough:

Motherships will begin to decloak 🛸

We shall reunite physically with our twin souls, and experience true happiness ☯️

The motherships will openly fly in the skies above us 🛸

And possibly best of all...

The vibration on our planet will simply be amazing! 💫

We shall be free, and heaven on earth will be made manifest. Wonderland is coming!

Beloved Gaia and all her children WILL be bathed in the ultimate LIGHT of the Central Sun, and the all encompassing LOVE of Source.

Victory of the Light!

Monday, 21 October 2019

Family of Light

I'm being encouraged to share my spiritual experiences (and dreams) with you, as they may well resonate with some of you, or perhaps even assist you in connecting to your own Higher Self and Family of Light, if you haven't consciously done so already.

I have not shared any of these encounters or experiences before starting this blog, but now is the time for me to come out of closet. To step forward away from my comfort zone, and realise my soul purpose more fully. Information and knowledge is meant to be shared, and to put it simply, I have nothing else to lose now by acting upon Divine Will. My Higher Self and The Sage Faery want me to talk.


My first tangible spiritual experience as an adult, in about 2002, was being taken to the Central Sun, during sleep state... and then they awoke me! It was obviously a deliberate tactic, as I still felt the ultra ecstatic vibrations momentarily when I woke up. 

I was writhing for short a time, and afterwards I thought to myself that there is no way a human being could withstand and hold this type of high frequency orgasm. It would be impossible from a 3D perspective,  people would quite simply be unable to function. They'd be a blithering wreck, albeit a happy one.

I was reading Amorah Quan Yin's Pleiadian Workbook and Tantric Workbook around that time, and honestly, this experience really did put me off having sexual relations. Partly due to the important factor that I was with the wrong partner, but also because how could any other orgasm compare to that? 

It's only because I've been connecting with Goddess more closely again, that my sexual power has been reawakened.


My next remarkable encounter was in 2003, which I have already mentioned in another post on this blog (Full Circle).

During the night I had a visitation by a small electric blue Being of Light. This Light Being took on humanoid form, but was only around 3ft tall. I was fast asleep and felt a forceful and hard knuckle rap on my forehead, which awoke me immediately. 

When I opened my eyes I saw the amazing sight of this incredible blue Being of Light standing towards the base of my bed, giving me some space so as not to intimidate me I suspect. It must have also translocated further away from me, or used sheer intention to wake me, as the timing between the rap on my forehead and me opening my eyes was minimal.

This Light Being had no features as such, just a torso, head and limbs, and the electric blue Light emanating from this Being was so alive, and seemingly highly charged/electrical by nature, that it had no real defining perimeter to its form. They had taken on a humanoid shape, but did not seem limited to that. It was just for my benefit. 

I couldn't take my eyes of them, I was intrigued and fascinated, although quite scared as well, especially by what they did next. The encounter did not last long, as my humanoid visitor of Light then threw a ball of its electric blue energy directly at me, and I ducked under the duvet in a ridiculous attempt to save myself. 

I felt the effects of the energy immediately, and as I had tensed up to try and put up some sort of defence, I sensed that I needed to soften, relax and absorb as much of it as possible. It was a very loving and pure energy, and I fell back to sleep pretty quickly awards.

It was an amazing experience that I have never forgotten, or shared until recently. I have no feelings or guidance about this Being of Light, other than that it was probably an aspect of my future self, coming back to enable my awakening process even further.


Another mind blowing experience happened to me a fair few years later. I can't be sure but I think it was likely to be around 2010. I was living in a beautiful wooden lodge on the edge of Exmoor National Park, surrounded by ancient woodland, and with sheep as my neighbours. 

The woods were pretty magical and the undisturbed areas had a strong Faery presence. I reguarly walked my dog and rode my horse there. One day when I was in these woods, walking with my dog, he ran off on another path. I continued with my route, not worrying at all, as the woods were always pretty empty and he would come back.

A minute or so later, out of the corner of my eye, I caught sight of the most magical thing I had ever seen... It was a diamond shaped opalescent Merkaba or Lightship. It was about 7 or 8 feet off the ground, and a maximum of approximately half a metre in diameter. I stood still to look more closely and give this beautiful entity my full attention. The Merkaba then stopped directly in front of me, and two small doors slid open.

I cannot tell you what happened next, as I simply can not recall it. I went into another realm. The communication did not happen on any conscious level. The frequency of this Being was too high. It was certainly from a much higher dimension, at least 5D, probably 6D,  or perhaps even higher than that.

When our contact was over, the diamond Lightship moved ever so slowly away from me, gliding through the trees back in the direction from whence it came. It was gently but powerfully pulsing a magnificent rainbow opalescent light, and then it disappeared. Through a portal, back to a higher realm.

Only once this Merkaba was was gone did my dog return. It was as if he had been guided to stay away, so as not to interrupt this important meeting of souls. I always felt Exmoor was a magical place to connect to the stars and the motherships, although I wasn't expecting to meet a ship so small.

It was possibly Arcturian, but I cannot be certain of that, and at that time I was following Patricia Cori and connecting to the Light of Sirius, as well as Arcturus. It was positively beautiful, wherever it was from, and must have been family to risk visiting me out in the open like that.


What these experiences show me, is that whilst we may connect more strongly to one Star Family than another, we are ultimately not from this galaxy at all. We have all come through the Galactic Central Sun, and other parts of ourselves are still residing there, in blissful far away realms. We have simply forgotten how powerful and angelic we truly are. We are magnificent Beings of Light, and we shall return Home. Realising our true multidimensional nature once again.

We are a beautiful Family of Light.
We are One. I AM that I AM.

Thursday, 17 October 2019

Priestess Memories

In April 2019 I had the opportunity to connect with other priestesses and previous initiates from the ancient mystery schools. During our time together the priestesses were guided through a Rose Labyrinth, a walk of remembrance, whilst the men stood circled around us, protecting and holding the space. There was a deep connection of sisterhood, humility and love, with such heartfelt respect for our honourable brothers in arms. It was a powerful gathering where much healing was initiated.

As we continued on our path through the labyrinth many of the priestesses were crying, and when I passed some of them I caught flashes and images of far off places, and historical times, when the divine feminine and Goddess worshippers were being heavily persecuted. I did not experience any personal flashbacks myself, I merely observed what others had been through, revealing vulnerability, devotion and perseverance in their lifetimes of service. It was very touching to share this ceremonial process with the other priestesses and our male defenders. All of us incarnate on Earth for the same purpose... to anchor, protect and share Divine Mother energy. For the return of Goddess.


In June I had the opportunity to visit ancient Greece. The night before I left I picked some oracle cards... Resurgence of the Goddess number 5: 'A validation of expansion and making decisions based on the ancient wisdom of the Goddess'. A great sign! Plus Bat from my power animal totem deck. Bat represents shamanic death, which I presumed to have already happened through the many sacrifices I had made to be on this path more fully. Although, whilst I had the feeling that my training in the gym and swimming pool was preparing me for something on this trip, I had no idea how literal the Bat card would be.

It was a sailing and yoga holiday, I was due to be teaching the yoga, but the Skipper doubled booked and in hindsight I had been unwittingly misled. Never mind I thought, it's a free holiday in paradise now. We set off from the mainland towards the Cyclades, stopping off for a swim under the Temple of Poseidon, and passing two small pods of dolphins on the way!

The first Island we approached was the beautiful landscape of Kea. We stayed the night in a marina, and the following morning before leaving for Kythnos, sailed around the coast to the magical site of Karthaia... ancient ruins including a Temple of Athena set high on the cliff, and a separate one slightly lower down the hillside for Apollo. This site is only accessible by foot or boat:

Beautiful Carthaea and Temple of Athena

These ruins had some tourist information, stating when they were discovered and what period they were likely to be from. Alarmingly the information board also mentioned the Greek poet Pindar (born 6th century bc) who apparently was not so impressed with this 'narrow ridge of land' and decided to leave it be. The mere sight of that name sent a shiver down my spine, but I did not allow it to affect my wonderful hours spent in that heavenly place.

We then set sail for the short island hop to Kythnos, anchored in the pretty harbour and stayed the night. The following morning the wind was forecast to be gale force and no one else but us left the harbour. We had a 4-5 hour journey to Syros. The waves were increasingly large and the wind swirled all around us. All the other girls were seasick, bar one who had previous sailing experience, but I was ok, as I sat up higher and kept my eyes firmly on the horizon. As we were crossing the middle of the Aegean Sea, I experienced a strong vision of priestesses traversing rough seas, after the fall of Atlantis, and more than likely spreading out from ancient Egypt. As I was in the Aegean sea it is highly likely that this area was relevant to this vision too.

As we sailed further into the open water the wind became quite unpredictable, and the waves got even higher. It was not for amateurs. We should not have sailed. Skipper had put us at risk. We did not have life jackets on and were not strapped in. I held onto the safety rail to brace the rise and fall, but the waves were hitting us side on. Keeping one eye on the incoming waves rolling in against the other side of the yacht, and one eye on the horizon, a stealth wave approached very late, just as if it had commenced its rise almost underneath us. I sensed we were all about to get soaked, but the next second I was in the water, somehow managing to hang on to the side of the yacht. 

The wave had hit us hard and smashed me sideways, the safety rail had snapped from the sheer force of it, and now I was in a precarious situation. I kept calm, tried to pull myself in but couldn't hold onto anything that would help. Skipper and the lady with sailing experience then tried to lift me back on board. I had to let go of the yacht to grasp onto their arms, which took a lot of faith, however it soon became clear that they did not possess the strength to pull me up, being a dead weight chest high in the water. I had to make a decision, I knew I would have to do this myself. I managed to grasp and hold onto a metal post and asked my rescuers to let me go. I used all my upper body strength to pull myself in, swinging my legs up onto the side of the yacht. I was badly bruised, my leg was injured from compaction with the wire, but I had made it back onto deck.

It took over a month for my ribs to heal when I returned back to the UK, although my thigh muscle is still indented even now. I had the feeling back on the yacht that the safety rail may not be that sturdy, perhaps had rust and could possibly snap. But for some reason I chose not to move, it was as if I decided to experience near death and come through the other side, and all the weight training and swimming beforehand had prepared me physically to get myself out of trouble. It was both a personal experience and also one for the Goddess collective, and my Higher Self along with Bat had foreseen it.

I then had a significant dream. I was living in a Goddess temple with other priests and priestesses. The temple was under attack, being demolished, and we were being chased by Pindar. He was trying to kill us and wipe Goddess worship from the face of the planet, just as he's done many, many times before. Only this time he was unsuccessful... There were simply too many of us. Together we were triumphant in spreading the teachings of Goddess and sharing her love all across the globe!


As Cobra has already conveyed, the priestesses of ancient Egypt used their sexual energy to heal others and keep peace amongst the people. The Mysteries of Isis were transferred from Atlantis. They were also revived somewhat in later periods around the Mediterranean, and much later again in 18th century Europe through Comte de Saint Germain.

The nature of Goddess is intrinsically tantric. She desires to merge with everything, and uses this sexual energy to create new life and new worlds. All the mystery schools and temples dedicated to Goddess would have been practising tantra and sacred union, both within and without. The role of the priestess is therefore inherently sexual. She has access to a powerful energy, that when aligned with the Great Mother Creatrix, has the ability to open portals to the heavens.

Last week I dreamt of being contacted by a beautiful one eyed goddess. She was encouraging me to use tantric touch and sexual energy to heal people, and the dream contained many symbols of fertility, creativity and abundance. The following morning I immediately searched google for clues about this goddess and came across Manasa. The goddess of snakes (kundalini) with the ability to heal any venomous poison. Manasa was identified as the goddess of fertility and is also known as Nagalakshmi.

Lakshmi is a recent constant guide for me. One that I was not consciously aware of before embarking on my journey of rediscovery and connection to Divine Mother. It took an unexpected encounter with soul family in 2018 to activate my kundalini and trigger a sexual reawakening. This exponentially increased my connection with my Higher Self, as well as the Pleiadians and Cosmic Central Race, and following this, my sexual energy rose to a whole other level. 

It is the role of the priestess to use her direct access to Goddess for healing others in need. We have all been deprived of this abundant mothering energy in one way or another, and the majority of us have sorely missed intimate, sensual and pure relationships with our fellow human companions. The controlling matrix on our planet rejects and targets the Divine Feminine presence here, as well as the true Divine Masculine energy. It repels and distorts sexuality and love. It has created the male/female split. It is now time, and crucial for our society that we rebalance these polarities, heal ourselves whole, to reclaim our power and freedom once again.

Goddess worship is Love.
Goddess worship is Sacred Union.
Goddess worship is the way back Home.

Tuesday, 15 October 2019

Earth Healing

It was a beautiful day for some Earth healing today...

With the help of Sirius, the Flower of Life, Gayatri mantra... and a bee!

Goddess wants freedom, and freedom it shall be.

Saturday, 12 October 2019

Rainbow Bridge

Somewhere over the rainbow,
Way up high,
There's a land that I heard of,
Once in a lullaby.

Somewhere over the rainbow,
Skies are blue,
And the dreams that you dare to dream,
Really do come true.

Thursday, 10 October 2019

More Positive Signs

I've had some more recent signs that I'd like to share with you...

A few weeks ago when I was out driving and not feeling particuarly positively about things, I was thinking to myself 'when is this nightmare ever going to end' and I immediately spotted a sign outside of someone's house that I was passing by:

Around the same time I received several references to the Blue Dragons, and one of these vans passed me whilst I was out walking along a quiet lane, confirming the connection:

Blue Dragon Cleaners

On September 24th I saw the Cosmic Events van again, The ultimate event experience:

I wondered why, what was the relevance of seeing it again, and then the following day Cobra posted this report... The Shift:

And it was about a week after FM144 posted this update... Be Prepared:

2 days ago, after drawing Owl as my power animal totem again, I was driving along the A303 and a van passed me with this logo on it:

Multidimensional Operations Solar System

And a few hours later, just as I was thinking about the Resistance and the possibility of going underground, a lorry from the same fleet as the picture below passed me at exactly the same moment:


The thoughts of going underground were triggered because of telepathic communication that I had experienced last December to around March (which I may share with you in another post) and because I had watched the following Allison Coe video the previous evening, called 'Spaceship experience during Event':

I have also been seeing lots of number codes recently, as many of us are. Especially 555 and 144 plus frequent double digits such as 12:12, 13:13, 14:14, 15:15 etc. It's pretty constant now, and I have been experiencing many prophetic dreams about Goddess, Contact and Motherships.

May beloved Gaia and all her children soon be free. We shall unite with our soul and star families once again.

Victory of the Light!

Love Sada Nam

On the 11th October I was leaving a friend's house and when I passed their dining room table (where they had left their daily newspaper open) a certain headline caught my attention:

On the journey home when I was using a mantra to connect me to the Cosmic Central Sun, a lorry drove by me with the logo FLASH.

When I arrived home a new cintamani stone had arrived in the post and was waiting for me! I guess it was just a coincidence right?

Another coincidence happened on the 14th... In 2 short journeys I saw 3 company vans in different locations with the logo SILVA on them:


Atlantis Rising

I highly recommend watching this latest update from Lalita Karoli at Galactic Shaman Astrologers.  For all astrologers, priestesses, priests...